RPG ::
Rated G :: Character levels 1-4 Written by Lyz Liddell With a new generation of Starfinders already accomplishing great deeds within the Pact Worlds and beyond, First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo is ready to announce the Starfinder Society’s next initiative that will define her tenure. The PCs attend a gathering at the Lorespire Complex to socialize with several visiting dignitaries, each instrumental in the Society’s survival following the Scoured Stars Incident. Nothing is as it seems, though, and when Radaszam, leader of the Acquisitives faction, uncovers a plot against the First Seeker, the PCs need to step in and ensure the Society’s public event doesn’t end in disaster! Content in The First Mandate also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Acquisitives and Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) factions. Content in this scenario also contributes to the ongoing Year of Scoured Stars storyline. Released October 2017.
Game Experience Level
Character levels 1-4
Game Society
Other Game Society: Starfinder Society
Game Master
Robert Love
Friday May 25 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm | Ballroom B (PFS) :: Table 19 |
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