Rated G :: Munchkin Quest: The Munchkin Boardgame Kill the monster, grab the treasure, stab your buddy. That's what it's all about. Now Munchkin Quest brings you a giant full-color dungeon, never the same twice, full of monsters and loot. Cooperate with your fellow munchkins to destroy the big monsters and split their stuff . . . or go your own way and keep all the loot. When you open a door, you add a new room to the dungeon, and you meet a new monster. It could be the Potted Plant - or the Plutonium Dragon! Kill them or run away, but beware - the monsters can move, too, and they may come after you! Gather magic items and gold to power up your munchkin, but the One True Goal is . . . Levels! Reach Level 10, and then try to get out alive. You'll need to fight your way past the Boss Monster, but that shouldn't be a problem. After all, it's only level 20 . . .
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Other Game Society: MIB
Game Master
Jessica Niess
Saturday May 26 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm | Ballroom B (SJ Games) :: Table 31 |
Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Something evil stirs in Arkham, and only you can stop it....
1 Session(s)
HeroScape is an expandable turn-based miniature war gaming system. The game is played using...
1 Session(s)
HearthStone is a free-to-play online collectible card video game developed and published by...
2 Session(s)