Rated G :: The Aspis Consortium has poached relics from the Mwangi Expanse for decades, but the organization has recently identified a wealth of rare minerals deep in the Kaava Lands. The biggest catch is that the Society is familiar with this area, and a massive mining operation like the one the Consortium's planning wouldn't just disrupt local cultures; it risks unleashing a powerful fiend the Pathfinder Society narrowly kept sealed away. Such a large operation is beyond the capacity of a few agents to stop. Instead, the Exchange is armed and ready to strangle Bloodcove's imports to shut down the Consortium's plan before it can inflict too much damage. For this maneuver to work, though, the Exchange needs allies and intelligence within Bloodcove, made all the more essential now that the Society's sole agent in Bloodcove has disappeared.
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
Ronald Brown
Friday July 13 8:00 am to 12:00 pm | Wraith (Marriott Capital Ballroom 2) :: Table 2 |
The Goblinblood Wars that ravaged Isger more than a decade ago didn't just set fire to villages;...
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Earth has been attacked by invaders from other realities! These invaders have brought their own...
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It is a dark time in the City of Light, although it won’t be called that for centuries. In 9th...
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