Rated G :: The Aspis Consortium and Vanji Prospectors’ Guild may have allied to extract valuable minerals from the tropical Kaava Lands, yet their endeavor also threatens to release a fiend sealed beneath the nearby ruins. The Pathfinder Society and its new friends have strangled the operation economically, causing most of the workers to abandon the dig. However, a dedicated corps is trying to dig out one last lucrative (and perilous) haul before evacuating the site. The PCs range deep into the jungles alongside their grippli allies to stop the Aspis—and perhaps confront the same fiend imprisoned millennia ago.
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
James Hanrahan
Friday July 13 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm | Wraith (Marriott Capital Ballroom 2) :: Table 1 |
It’s 1987 and the Cannon Group is buying up the worse scripts of the decade to bring action...
1 Session(s)
Two old allies-turned-enemies have taken shelter in a nigh-unassailable sanctum, yet the...
1 Session(s)
Returning to the scene of the Bloody Sunday massacre in Dublin, the investigators soon discover...
1 Session(s)