RPG :: Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Rated PG-13 :: Heroes of the Realms have risen to stand against several recent events. The schemes of foul villains would have caused catastrophe across the lands of Faerûn, had they not been thwarted. And although they were indeed thwarted . . . there were those who escaped justice. Some of these remnants still scheme, still desire to make their dreams of destruction reality. It is time for new heroes to rise . . .
Game Experience Level
This is an Introductory (APL 1) Adventurers League adventure set in the city of Hillsfar. Five 1-hour mini adventures for Levels 1 & 2.
Game Society
D&D Adventure League
Game Master
Eugene Tellier
Thursday July 11 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm | Marriott Ballroom "Tavern" :: Table 2 |
"A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-7.
Something ominous is afoot around...
1 Session(s)
A Greyhawk Reborn 1-Round D&D Adventure. The Fraternity of the Brazen Blade has requested that...
1 Session(s)
"This is a top priority mission override. An airship has been intermittently spotted drifting...
1 Session(s)