Board Game :: Board Game
Rated G :: Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails takes the familiar gameplay of Ticket to Ride and expands it across the globe — which means that you'll be moving across water, of course, and that's where the sails come in. Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails puts a few twists on the TtR formula, starting with split card decks of trains and ships (with all of the wild cards going in the train deck). Three cards of each type are revealed at the start of the game, and when you draw cards, you replace them with a card from whichever deck you like. Similarly, players choose their own mix of train and ship tokens at the start of the game.
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
Devin Corbett
Saturday July 13 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm | Marriott Ballroom :: Table 1 |
With elegantly simple gameplay, Ticket to Ride can be learned in under 15 minutes, while...
1 Session(s)
In King of Tokyo, you play mutant monsters, gigantic robots, and strange aliens—all of whom are...
1 Session(s)
One player is the storyteller for the turn and looks at the images on the 6 cards in her hand....
1 Session(s)