RPG :: Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Rated PG :: The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Lords' Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city.
Game Experience Level
An adventure for 1st - 4th level characters.
Game Society
D&D Adventure League
Game Master
James Gross
Friday July 12 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm | Marriott Ballroom "Tavern" :: Table 1 |
Sunday July 14 9:00 am to 1:00 pm | Marriott Ballroom "Tavern" :: Table 6 |
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