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SRM 05-05 While the City Sleeps

RPG :: Shadowrun 5th Edition

Rated PG :: All the Rage One of the things the Sixth World excels at is inventing millions of ways to piss people off. Chicago, particularly the Containment Zone, has a special gift for inciting tempers, with its pockmarked roads, feral gangs, bad-tempered thugs, drugged-out vagrants, and many other elements that are irritating at best, fatal at worst. Fight promoter Sid Gambetti has a lot of pressures piling on him at once, including financial strain and a massive blackmail demand, and if he doesn’t get some relief, he’s likely to blow. Unfortunately, it seems like just about everyone who has become involved with Sid is just as pressured and just as irritated. Any shadowrunners who take on the job that Sid has for them are going to be walking through a minefield of hot-tempered, bulked-out, Sixth World crazies who are just looking for an excuse to put the hurt on someone. Yeah, there’s a pile of nuyen on the other side of the gauntlet, but it will take some quick thinking and fast moving to claim it without being on the receiving end of huge doses of pain. The latest Shadowrun Mission set in Chicago, While the City Sleeps can be played as part of an ongoing Chicago-based campaign or all by itself, as an exciting night in one of the wildest cities of Shadowrun’s Sixth World setting. SRM 05-05: While the City Sleeps is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.

Game Experience Level

Game Society
Other Game Society: Shadowrun Missions

Game Master
Charles Bailey

Locations and Times

Saturday May 13 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Ballroom B (8'x5' lines) :: Table 48

Registration Information

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Available Registration Slots: 6

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