RPG :: Dungeons and Dragons 5E
Rated G :: You wake up lying in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by 8 vile, disgusting creatures who are lying prone as well. Your mind is fuzzy...you can't remember who you are! You raise your hand to see that it resembles those of the creatures around you! What's going on? Use your knowledge of 5e mechanics to figure out who and what you and the others are. For up to 9 players, all materials to be provided.
Game Experience Level
Basic knowledge of the player races and classes in D&D 5e found in the Player's Handbook, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Player's Companion and Volo's Guide to Monster's.
Game Society
Game Master
Jason Keller
Sunday May 14 10:00 am to 2:00 pm | Ballroom B (rounds) :: Table 19 |
A powerful ally of the Pathfinder Society has disappeared, and no one but the Pathfinders even...
1 Session(s)
For months Taldor faction leader Lady Gloriana Morilla has mustered a small army to aid the...
1 Session(s)
The Blakros family, long an ally of the Pathfinder Society, has come into possession of a manor...
1 Session(s)