Roleplaying Games :: Dungeons & Dragons
Rated PG-13 :: Rated PG-13 : Last year, Many brave souls entered the famous Tomb of Horrors and out of of all of them only 5 characters were able to bring down Acererak....or did they? Returning from the beyond, Acererak once again has risen, this time seeking new adventurers to make suffer in his sadistic dungeon. However, Acererak is not happy bringing his Tomb to just Dungeons & Dragons, oh no. Acererak learned last year about the world of Anime and wants to take a stab at it. He has built a version of his dealy tomb for Big Eyes, Small Mouth, the Anime Roleplaying System. Arguably the Most Infamous dungeon in Dungeons & Dragons history, the Tomb of Horrors has claimed the lives of many a favorite PC since its creation in 1975. Designed to challenge the skill of expert players and to test players who boasted having player characters able to best any challenge. Of course, when faced with such a challenge there is always the other option. Through waves upon waves of PCs at the dungeon, hope for the best, and as you die shout "There is 49 more of me. Acererak!". Each player brings in 5 characters. As a character dies, the next character is brought as if the character was there the whole time. When the player runs out of characters, then they have the option of A. asking another player for a PC, B. Make a new Character. C. Reset an already dead PC, D. Choose one of the DM's "Special" PC. DISCLAIMER: Though this is a 5e Dungeons & Dragons game, it has been modified to be much more deadly, as the good Gygax intended.
Game Experience Level
There will be 4 sessions of the Traditional D&D version of the Tomb of Horrors and 2 sessions of the Big Eyes, Small Mouth Version. The game is designed for 6-8 players, however, the DM can choose to add more should the need arise.
Players looking to take on the Tomb will be able to either bring their own characters or choose from one of the basic Pre-generated Adventurers available.
Rules for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Characters:
Level 15 or an equivalent Multi-Class.
Characters must be built out of Established Printed Material. (No Online material such as Unearthed Arcana, DMs Guild, or any other Unofficial or Playtest material.) However, the character must make sense of the powers used. (I.E. if your character has a Dragonmark, the character must be from Eberron and built out of Eberron rules.)
Use the 4d6 drop 1 Method of rolling your character. However, you may reroll any number below a ten.
There will not be attunement in the game.
Magic Items for your character will be provided to you at the game.
Rules for Big Eyes, Small Mouth 4th Edition Characters:
Characters are Built on 175 Points.
Characters can not take anything that would require GM’s permission
Stats can not be above a 12.
The Character / Equipment must be able to fit in a 10ft by 10ft Hallway.
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
Joseph Figlar
Saturday July 16 9:00 am to 1:00 pm | Marriott Hartford Downtown - Ballroom A/B :: Table 14 (6' Round, Seats 8) |
Saturday July 16 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm | Marriott Hartford Downtown - Ballroom A/B :: Table 14 (6' Round, Seats 8) |
Sunday July 17 9:00 am to 1:00 pm | Marriott Hartford Downtown - Ballroom A/B :: Table 14 (6' Round, Seats 8) |
Friday July 15 9:00 am to 1:00 pm | Marriott Hartford Downtown - Ballroom A/B :: Table 14 (6' Round, Seats 8) |
Friday July 15 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm | Marriott Hartford Downtown - Ballroom A/B :: Table 14 (6' Round, Seats 8) |
Thursday July 14 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm | Marriott Hartford Downtown - Ballroom A/B :: Table 14 (6' Round, Seats 8) |
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