RPG :: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Rated PG :: Take a Spelljammer out for a spin. A giant hippo with a musket, a couple of space monkeys, and a motley crew have been hired to sneak into a city under attack by fantasy flying spaceships, led by a floating pyramid, and retrieve a VIP. What could go wrong? Aren't you glad you have a flying ship too? Does anyone know how to fly it? (probably not the rules set comes out mid-august 2022)
Game Experience Level
Experience with D&D - intermediate, none needed with spelljamming rules.
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
Jon Holmberg
Friday September 2 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm | Universities Grand Foyer (Tables 5-12) :: Table 12 |
Death House is the name given to an old row house in the village of Barovia. The house has been...
1 Session(s)
A series of children have been going missing in the town of Shadycreek Run, the most recent...
1 Session(s)
1 Session(s)