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Bones in the Dust

RPG ::

Rated PG :: The Bonepanders will undertake any expedition so long as there’s profit to be had. When the necromancer Ekrecious Lurche approached the Bonepanders with a lucrative opportunity, Chaptermistress Terezinya set aside her misgivings and agreed to the contract. The necromancer claimed he needed ancient vampire dust for an experimental life extension drought. In exchange for the dust, the wily wizard promised a fortune in jewels, rare reagents, and ancient relics. Lurche knew of one such bloodsucker lairing deep in the Caverns of Doom. The Bonepanders wasted no time finding and penetrating the Phreza crypt. It cost the Bonepanders dearly. After dispatching the vampiress and her vile brood, the Bonepanders returned to Barrowgate, but Lurche was nowhere to be found. It seems the wily necromancer and the vampiress were at odds and Lurche wanted his longtime rival eliminated. After fleeing Barrowgate one step ahead of the Bonepanders, the necromancer took up residence in the vampiress' lair. The Bonepanders won’t rest until they have their payment and their pound of flesh.

Game Experience Level

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Joseph Wolf

Locations and Times

Saturday September 3 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm Stairs Foyer (Tables 1-4) :: Table 1

Registration Information

Free Pre-Registration

Available Registration Slots: 0

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Current Registrations

  • Llerolann
  • Hogwort Fizzlestaff
  • tsstahl
  • Arkadese

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