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Roleplaying Games ::

Rated PG :: We sit down and pick the "slay the dragon" quest, but decide to switch things up a little: Instead of a dragon, we're trying to slay a cat. Because we're mice. In our first challenge, we try to raise a mouse army to face the cat head-on, but more and more of our would-be recruits are overcome with fear and sneak away. Now for our second challenge we decide to lure the cat into a trap, but it's all going badly. We're scattered across the farmyard, unsure of what to do next, when we hear a foreboding yowl. The cat is loose. It's time to see if we succeed or fail. We gather the stones, hold our breath, and get ready to draw… Follow is a game where you sit down with your friends and play characters working together to achieve a common goal: your quest.

Game Experience Level

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Rose Turck

Locations and Times

Thursday July 20 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Marriott Hartford Downtown - Capital Ballroom 1/2 :: Role playing table 2

Registration Information

No Registration Required (walk up)
Free Pre-Registration

Available Registration Slots: 3

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Current Registrations

  • Edward Felekey
  • Mindandbody2

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