Roleplaying Games :: Dungeons & Dragons
Rated G :: Come learn the latest edition of Dungeons and Dragons. This is a quick adventure for new players. All materials and characters will be provided. Jump right in and begin! GM Jeramy will be running and adventure for 1st level characters. Your travels have brought you to the dwarven village of Dur as the sun is setting. An unassuming village, its most notable landmark is the elm tree growing in the village outskirts, known for both its prodigious size, and the unusual silver leaves it grows. You find yourselves in Dur’s local watering hole, ‘The Silver Dram’, a warm, lively establishment. In pride of place in the tavern’s centre grows a small sapling, a tuft of silver leaves at it’s top. A chalkboard in the corner reads “Try Gerda’s Silver Liqueur, a treat for ages 3 to 300!” in faded writing and Gerda, the barkeep in question, is leant over the counter, deep in conversation with another patron.
Game Experience Level
No experience necessary, new players encouraged!
Game Society
Other Game Society: Central Connecticut Game Masters
Game Master
Jeramy Webb
Saturday July 22 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm | Marriott Hartford Downtown - Capital Ballroom 1/2 :: Role playing table 8 |
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