Card ::
Rated G :: Grab your gears, put on your top hat, whack the monsters, and grab the treasure . . . with the power of SCIENCE! Munchkin Steampunk Deluxe brings the zaniness of Munchkin to the pseudo-Victorian steampunk era. Bully!
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
Don vonDohlen
Sunday May 14 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm | Ballroom B (SJ Games) :: Table 74 |
Blackmail the printer. Threaten the innkeeper. Bribe the priest. Welcome to...
1 Session(s)
Blackmail the printer. Threaten the innkeeper. Bribe the priest. Welcome to...
2 Session(s)
We haz all the Munchkin. When the table fills, YOU get to decide what set we play. If you...
2 Session(s)