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Warhammer 40k - Clutch City Narrative

Miniatures :: Warhammer 40k

Rated G :: Be one of twelve players in the 2016 Comicpalooza Warhammer 40,000 Clutch City Apocalypse Narrative. Players will join one of two sides in an epic battle across a massive, terrain-filled map in a struggle for dominance on Haven V over the course of two days. Each scenario is designed to affect the next scenario, depending on which side wins the previous scenario. You may ask, but aren't there only two scenarios? That's right – two scenarios for Comicpalooza, but the events of this scenario will have far-reaching effects for 2017’s Comicpalooza and a rumored 2016 event. Your actions will shape the course of future events! The tournament will feature 12 players, 15,000 points per side, titanic war machines, massed infantry formations, monstrous creatures and deadly terrain across a 24’ highly detailed table featuring desert, forest and urban environments. Terrain features will include forests, trench networks, ruined buildings, operational fortifications and so much more. Players will be competing as a team and as individuals in completing scenario objectives and individual mini-missions, each unique in its own right. While your epic battle rages on, the Clutch City Grand Tournament will be raging on right next door. What does that have to do with the Narrative Tournament, you may ask? A number of random players from the Grand Tournament will be selected based on their army and the represented army at the Narrative Event, if those armies win a game during the Grand Tournament, the narrative army will gain an immediate bonus! That’s right, the results of the Grand Tournament (3) games on Saturday and (2) games on Sunday will directly affect the armies in the Narrative Event. What do you need to know to participate in the Haven V Apocalypse Narrative Event? Be the first to register one (1) of (12) dedicated spots, which will fill up quickly, so don't waste time deciding. What Warhammer 40,000 Army you are using will need to be submitted by its submission date, an Army List will need to be submitted by its submission date (a second date will exist in the event of players changing their minds on what the list consists of, especially in the event of new model releases), show up on the day of the event with your army, army list, rules, tape measure, templates, dice, enthusiasm, etc.

Game Experience Level

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Ben Sedberry
Allan Bailey
John Owens
John Connelly
Jonathon Willingham
David McNair

Locations and Times

Saturday June 18 10:00 am to 10:00 pm Ballroom A :: Warhammer 40k area
Sunday June 19 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Ballroom A :: Warhammer 40k area

Registration Information

Free Pre-Registration
Paid Registration at Table (walk up)
A fee of $10 will be collected at the event (this is in addition to the cost of your convention pass). You may preregister, but you will still need to pay the $10 at the event. This is because the system does not yet support paid preregistration.

Available Registration Slots: 5

Registration for this game is not active.

Current Registrations

  • warmbutter
  • Rubrpanda
  • Dursum
  • cjhobbitbane
  • Dracosaur
  • Vostroyan

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