Roleplaying Game :: PARANOIA XP (2004 rev)
Rated PG-13 :: There is something terribly wrong within the Alpha Complex! There was an 'incident' at one of the Cloning Facilities, and friend Computer is nearly having a conniption at the treasonous behavior that has transpired. There are unauthorized and traitorous clones running amok within the complex, causing mischief and mayhem for all citizens of Alpha Complex. Friend Computer has ordered you Troubleshooters to round up the illegal clones, and find out who is responsible for this traitorous act. Will you be able to apprehend all the clones before they cause some real damage? Let's hope so!
Game Experience Level
The players don't need to know the rules.
Game Society
Other Game Society: Dead Games Society
Game Master
Michael Pankenier
Friday July 7 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm | Wraith Room (Capital Ballroom 1) :: Table 2 |
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