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Thedia: The Griffon Riders of Skye

RPG :: Dungeons and Dragons 5E

Rated PG-13 :: This is an introduction to the Thedia campaign setting – a world based on the Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting. The Thedia setting is in production for publication starting in 2016. You are aboard your airship on a mission from the kingdom of Skye to Aflyndor. After natural occurrences and a few battles, the ship has taken damage you do not have the resources to land safely. To make matters worse, you are over savage areas; however, the navigators on your ship have found one of the alleged floating continents that are merely rumored to exist high above the lands of Thedia. In an area that could house what is needed in terms of lumber and resources to mend the ship as well as acquire possible new fuel sources, you serve as one of the Griffon Riders of Skye under Captain Talester, a powerful air genasi forged in war. He has sent you to investigate what the navigators have found to see if it could work. The airship you travel upon, The Lost Matron, is a Skye Variant, and this is said to be Talaster's final journey... you are not far from Northgate, the city in Aflyndor where you are to meet Councilman Kleivak. What could possibly go wrong?

Game Experience Level
This is an intro game to the World of Thedia campaign setting set to be published later this year using the standard Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition rule set.

Game Society
Board Role-playing & War-gaming League

Game Master
Dallas Paskell

Locations and Times

Saturday June 18 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm Ballroom B (8'x5' singles) :: Table 43

Registration Information

No Registration Required (walk up)
Free Pre-Registration

Available Registration Slots: 7

Registration for this game is not active.

Current Registrations

  • TardisEnvy

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