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8–21 Champions Chalice Part II Agents of the Eye

Roleplaying Game :: D20 (Pathfinder)

Rated PG :: Ages before the rise of modern civilization, the cyclops empire of Ghol-Gan ruled what is now the Mwangi Expanse. The Society sends the PCs deep into the untamed Kaava lands to explore a cyclops ruin, where with a new tool in hand, the Pathfinders might uncover its forgotten and dark history. Can the PCs prevent the ruin's past from becoming Sargava's future?

Game Experience Level

Game Society
Other Game Society: Pathfinder Society

Game Master
Evan Pajer

Locations and Times

Sunday July 9 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Hydra Room RPGs (Marriott Ballroom A-E) :: Pathfinder Table 2

Registration Information

No Registration Required (walk up)
Free Pre-Registration
This is a two part adventure. Part 1 is on Saturday morning from 9a to 1pm. Part 2 is on Sunday from 9a to 1pm. Registering for this event registers you for both days.

Available Registration Slots: 7

Registration for this game is not active.

Current Registrations

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