Board Game :: Board Game
Rated G :: The Dragon & Flagon is a tavern world-renowned for its most magical drink, The Dragon. Legend has it that one sip of The Dragon can give a hero wondrous abilities beyond their wildest dreams — but with a tavern full of thirsty adventurers and only one flagon left, things are bound to go wrong. Prepare your magic and grab your weapon because there's only one true objective in this brawl — and it's not just a sip of The Dragon. Only one can win and emerge with the reputation as the greatest fighter ever seen within the walls of The Dragon & Flagon!
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
Jason Sirignano
Saturday July 8 11:00 am to 1:00 pm | Hydra Room BGs (Marriott Ballroom A-E) :: Table 2 |
Ascension is a deck-building game in which players spend Runes to acquire more powerful cards...
1 Session(s)
The year is 1667 and you are a pirate sailing the waters of the Caribbean. A Spanish Galleon...
1 Session(s)
Secret Hitler is a dramatic game of political intrigue and betrayal set in 1930s Germany. Each...
1 Session(s)