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Tephra: A Steampunk RPG

RPG :: Tephra - A Steampunk RPG

Rated G :: Tephra is an evolutionary steampunk roleplaying experience built by gamers who enjoy an easy-to-learn system with unlimited options. A steam engine rides through the lands of Rilausia. Our adventurers find themselves in the middle of a power struggle between the old thinkers, who feel the lesser races should be enslaved, and those who feel society should progress. What will happen when a greater threat poses itself in their midst?

Game Experience Level
Low-level introductory game for Tephra: A Steampunk RPG. Mid-level games offered if enough interest is generated.

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Richard Choi

Locations and Times

Saturday June 18 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Ballroom B (8'x5' singles) :: Table 44

Registration Information

No Registration Required (walk up)
Free Pre-Registration
Registration can be used to reserve seats. However, no registration for the game will be required

Available Registration Slots: 8

Registration for this game is not active.

Current Registrations

No one has registered for this game yet.

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