RPG ::
Rated G :: Character levels 1-4 Written by Jenny Jarzabski Cary When Historia-7, the leader of the Dataphiles faction, uncovers the first hints of a conspiracy operating against the Starfinder Society, the PCs must assist her in uncovering the truth. Sent to a corporate space station orbiting the Pact Worlds' sun, the PCs must earn favor with the hedonist son of a corporate CEO to gain access to the confidential files Historia-7 needs. However, the PCs are stuck in the middle when this corrupt dilettante's proclivities and shady associations emerge to thwart the Starfinders' covert infiltration. Content in The Solar Sortie also contributes to the ongoing goals of the Dataphiles faction. Released December 2017.
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Other Game Society:
Game Master
Bill Elmer
Friday May 25 8:00 pm to 12:00 am | Ballroom B (PFS) :: Table 17 |
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