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PFS CORE 8-19 Treacherous Waves

RPG ::

Rated G :: Character levels 3-7 Written by Eleanor Ferron The Society believes that a powerful relic lies in the depths of the Plane of Water, yet the most recent expedition to retrieve it failed for mysteriously tragic reasons. It's up to the PCs to travel to the aquatic metropolis of Vialesk to investigate that ill-fated mission and overcome the forces determined to keep the truth from coming to light. Content in Treacherous Waves also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Silver Crusade faction. A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-7. The Society believes that a powerful relic lies in the depths of the Plane of Water, yet the most recent expedition to retrieve it failed for mysteriously tragic reasons. It's up to the PCs to travel to the aquatic metropolis of Vialesk to investigate that ill-fated mission and overcome the forces determined to keep the truth from coming to light. Content in Treacherous Waves also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Silver Crusade faction. Written by Eleanor Ferron.

Game Experience Level
Level 3-7

Game Society
Other Game Society: Pathfinder Society

Game Master
Donovan Whitten

Locations and Times

Friday May 25 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Ballroom B (PFS) :: Table 13

Registration Information

Free Pre-Registration
Pathfinder Society CORE CAMPAIGN

Available Registration Slots: 6

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