RPG :: Pathfinder
Rated G :: Character levels 1-11 Written by Andrew Hoskins The world-renowned Blakros Museum has outdone itself, gathering an unrivaled collection of relics from the Shining Crusade, a holy coalition that felled the greatest lich to threaten Golarion. When trouble befalls the exhibit mere days before its debut, the Pathfinders intervene, only to discover that one of the relics is key to averting a far greater disaster that has laid in wait for a millennium. The Solstice Scar is a multi-table interactive adventure in which each group's actions can affect neighboring groups and contribute to the entire room's success. This is an ongoing adventure that will be updated and rereleased incrementally several times each season, collectively telling a longer story while also presenting exciting stand-alone chapters. Released in early 2018.
Game Experience Level
Level 6-7 Characters
Game Society
Other Game Society: Pathfinder Society
Game Master
Brian Grimm
Sunday May 27 11:00 am to 7:00 pm | Ballroom B (PFS) :: Table 14 |
This person will stay at the help desk helping with New Player sign-ups, giving pre-generated...
1 Session(s)
This person will stay at the help desk helping with New Player sign-ups, giving pre-generated...
1 Session(s)
Character levels 1-2
Written by Kyle Baird
Almost all Pathfinders undergo extensive...
1 Session(s)