Tilde Pier

Tilde is an HR wench turned software engineer at Pinterest, where she's currently on the partners team building analytics tools for businesses on the platform. She's also done stints as a florist and a security guard. Code-wise, she's most proud of having built and shipped expanded gender options at Pinterest last year. In her spare time, she's working on a project to visualize police violence against people of color in the United States. She also illustrates data structures and algorithms with acrylic paint. Her academic background is in Gender and Media Studies.

12:00 pm

Engineering for Tomorrow :: Room 3
Kimberly Bryant, Stefano Corazza, Delia Grenville, Peyton Maynard-Koran, Harry McCracken, Tilde Pier
Sunday March 20, 2016 :: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm