Cornelia Amiri


Cornelia Amiri, who also writes as Maeve Alpin, is the author of 30 published books. Known as the Celtic Romance Queen, she writes Celtic fantasy romance, Celtic historical romance, steampunk romance and sci-fi romance. She lives in Houston, Texas, as does her son, granddaughter and cat, Severus. She is working on the second in the Beast and the Druidess series, The Dragon and the Druidess.

7:00 pm

Indie Panel: Sex In Space! This Isn't Your Brother's Sci-Fi :: Literary Room 1 (350A)
Cornelia Amiri, Thursday Euclid, Robert G. Ferrell, Angela Holder, Clancy Nacht
Saturday June 18, 2016 :: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm