M. Anderson "The Chameleon" Greer

Hailing from a background as multifaceted as their name, The Chameleon spins it all together for performing and teaching. They have been in the books, behind the scenes, and on the boards for over 30 years. Seventeen of those years have been devoted to their “wife,” Burlesque. They have taught workshops and hosted panels on the pin-up lifestyle, compassionate cosplay, and their 7 Virtues of Burlesque philosophy, toured the US and Canada, and performed at DragonCon as a part of the burlesque shows. Last year they laid the foundation with Pinky Shear for OutlantaCon’s Culture & Activism track, and are now at the helm of their own evening track, The Unmentionables. . They are also a founding member of Angel Action Atlanta as well as an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights

7:00 pm

Presence & Poise :: Hartsfield - Kikis and Special Events
M. Anderson "The Chameleon" Greer
Friday May 10, 2019 :: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

5:00 pm

Blurring the Binary: Punk and Goth Aesthetic :: Da Vinci II - Activism and Culture
M. Anderson "The Chameleon" Greer, Sarah Rose
Saturday May 11, 2019 :: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

1:00 am

Cosplay and Kink :: Templehof - Fandom
M. Anderson "The Chameleon" Greer, Silver Kitsune
Sunday May 12, 2019 :: 1:00 am to 2:00 am