Robert J. Defendi

Authors, Panelists

2:00 pm

Build A Story: Professional Storytellers Create from Scratch :: 151G
Michaelbrent Collings, Neo Edmund, Tricia Levenseller, Jai Nitz, Larry Correia, Robert J. Defendi, Dan Willis, Johnny Worthen
Friday March 17, 2017 :: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

6:00 pm

Choose Your Own Apocalypse: Dragons vs. Undead vs. Elementals :: 151G
James Wymore, DJ Butler, Robert J. Defendi, David J. West
Saturday March 18, 2017 :: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

7:00 pm

The Art of Horror: Why People Loved to be Scared :: 151G
Michaelbrent Collings, Courtney Alameda, Robert J. Defendi, Sarah E. Seeley, Nathan Shumate, John Steiner
Saturday March 18, 2017 :: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm