Papa Stro Maestro

Celebrity Guests

Papa Stro Maestro Professional wrestling and TV/Film actor. Wrestled in NWA, WCW, SMW, USWA, AAA, WWC among other promotions around the world. Archive footage also can be seen on the WWE Network. Appeared in TV series: Sleepy Hollow, One Tree Hill, Secrets & Lies, Good Behavior Appeared in films: 12-24, The Invited: the Series, The Hollow Oak, Son of Clowns, Southern Iron, The Brothers Statute, The Legend of Johnny Smalltie, Get Up Upcoming films: Check Point, The Rack Pack, Draculas War, Echo Lake Massacre, The Junkie King, Mancave TV series. Papa Stro Maestro will be appearing courtesy of

12:30 pm

Joel Adams, Joey Lauren Adams, Neal Adams, Quincy J. Allen, Kevin J. Anderson, Leva Bates, John Beatty, Allen Bellman, Nakia Burrise, Buzz, Zach Callison, Alex Chamberlain, Charlet Chung, Michael Copon, Lisa Corrao, Terry Cronin, Peter David, Jose Delbo, Josie DeVora, Derec Donovan, Leila del Duca, Daniel Dulitzky, Amy “Lita” Dumas, Kara Eberle, Neo Edmund, Ron Fazio, Ric Flair, Tom Fowler, Claudia Gray, Clay & Susan Griffith, Shane “Hurricane” Helms, Dakota Hood, Richard Horvitz, Tini Howard, Ernie Hudson, Georges Jeanty, Randy "The Cowboy" Jones, Michael Kingston, Brian Kong, Caleb Konley, David Lloyd, Papa Stro Maestro, Lee Majors, RJ Marchese, Charles Martinet, P. L. McCall II, Mervyn McKoy, Jason Mewes, Kevin Nowlan, Brian O’Halloran, Melina Perez, Khary Randolph, Rico Renzi, Michael Rooker, Simon Roy, Hilary Shepard, John Wesley Shipp, Jim Shooter, Cory Smith, Dana Snyder, Jill Thompson, Tony Todd, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Kevin Vassey, Josh Vogt, Jimmie Walker, Wordfire Press, Mike Zeck, Zenescope Entertainment, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Sanford Greene, Erin Rhew
Friday July 14, 2017 :: 12:30 pm to 8:00 pm