Dei Cosart

Cosplay Guests

Dei Cosart is an Orlando based, veteran cosplayer who has been cosplaying for a decade. In the beginning, she only sewed her costumes, but in 2013 began learning prop work and by 2015 built her first armor set. That is when her love affair with building armor cosplay and props began.

Her costume closet spans over 60 different costumes made from scratch. For Dei cosplay is a fun hobby and her creative outlet. Her future goals are to start up Youtube pages with lots of tutorials on her craft. Her desire is to give back to the community and engage as much as possible so that others can make their own fantastic creations!

Each costume is a new experience for Dei where she is constantly testing out new techniques and experiments. Cosplay and costumes are her favorite topic to discuss with others and is always eager to interact with other cosplayers. . There is always something new to learn!

Her skill sets when it comes to costumes make her a true Jack of all trades. Her greatest pride and joy is crafting new armor and styling wigs.

Dei is excited for METROCON and want’s everyone to come up and say hello and start a conversation with her, at the con or even out and about on the street. If she is not running a panel or grabbing a quick bite to eat, she wants and is happy to chat about all things cosplay!

6:00 pm

Wig styling : How to achieve that crazy hair! :: Workshop Track - Panel Room 20
Dei Cosart, MEW21
Thursday August 3, 2017 :: 6:00 pm to 6:50 pm

1:00 pm

Armor Planning and Build for Beginners :: Workshop Track - Panel Room 20
Dei Cosart
Friday August 4, 2017 :: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

9:00 pm

The Sailor Moon Dark Dream Dance :: Special Events- Ballrooms C and D
Dei Cosart, Erin Hurst - 3000 Brigade, METROCON Mascots, MEW21
Saturday August 5, 2017 :: 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm