Jon Baily

Voice Actor

Jon Bailey has been a professional voice actor since February 2008. He has been the voice of toys, commercials, video game characters, a documentary, an audio book, dozens of ADR voice matches for celebrities and characters as well as over 100 movie trailers and a writer/editor/producer of web content. He is the voice of Honest Trailers. Originally inspired by the voice of Optimus Prime - Peter Cullen - when he was 5 years old and motivated by his wife in his 20's, he transitioned from working in food service and forklift operation to becoming a full-time professional voiceover artist within 2 years of his first professional audition. Jon aspires to be a recurring character in an animated series.

4:45 pm

Voice acting for video games. :: Smoketree E
Jon Baily, D.C. Douglas
Friday August 25, 2017 :: 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm