Chris Sabat #3629

Voice Actor Guests, Media Celebrity Guests

Chris Sabat's pricing is as follows:
Autograph - $30
Table Photo Op with fan’s camera – Yes, Price TBD
Professional Photo Op – Not available.

Currently tallying well over 600 voiceover roles spanning video games, anime, television and film, Christopher R. Sabat (@VoiceOfVegeta on Twitter) has been an active part of the entertainment industry since 1998, when he became the Voice Director of Dragon Ball Z.

Most noted as the voice of Vegeta, the petulant antihero of DBZ, Christopher also was the voice of Piccolo, Yamcha, Mr. Popo, Korin, Burter, Shenron, Zarbon, Guru, and many more on the hit show.

His other popular roles include Zoro (One Piece), Alex Luis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist), Elfman (Fairy Tail), Roronoa, Ayame Sohma (Fruits Basket), Saiga Tatsumi (Speed Grapher), Kurogane (Tsubasa Chronicles), Daisuke Jigen (Lupin III), Father Tres (Trinity Blood), Braun (Stiens Gate), Giroro (Sgt Frog), Rundas (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption), Garterbelt (Panty and Stocking), Sakaki (Kenichi), Masa (My Bride is a Mermaid), Saito (Darker Than Black), Woerman (Attack on Titan), and Alex D (Deus Ex: Invisible War).

Most recently, he can be heard as Allmight on My Hero Academia, Kyoma Mabuchi on Toonami's Dimension W, Rath / Geoff / Attikus in Gearbox’s Battleborn, Batou in the acclaimed Ghost In the Shell: Arise series, Goro Sasabe in Free! Eternal Summer, Sakuya Togane in the second season of Psycho-Pass, Jason in Tokyo Ghoul, and Mondo in Dangan Ronpa.

In 2004, Christopher founded Okratron 5000, a voiceover production studio based in Dallas, Texas which he continues to run to this day. When he's not in the studio, he likes to play with his daughters, make electronic music, and buy vintage Pumas and airline glassware on eBay.

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12:00 pm

PLANET THEATER: Over 9000 with Sean Schemmel and Chris Sabat :: 3501ACEG (GREAT HALL)
Chris Sabat #3629, Sean Schemmel #3627
Sunday February 18, 2018 :: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm