Art Adams AA #327

Comic Creators

Artists Alley Table #327 - Arthur "Art" Adams is an American comic book artist and writer, known for his work on a number of Marvel's major books, including The Uncanny X-Men, Excalibur, X-Factor, Fantastic Four, Hulk and Ultimate X, as well books by various other publishers, such as Action Comics, Vampirella, The Rocketeer and The Authority. Adams has also illustrated books featuring characters for which he has a personal love, such as Godzilla, The Creature from the Black Lagoon and Gumby, the latter of which garnered him a 1988 Eisner Award for Best Single Issue.

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6:00 pm

PCKC PULL LIST: My Favorite Comic Book Covers! :: 2505A
Art Adams AA #327, Mark Brooks #329, Frank Cho #1439, Rob Schamberger
Friday February 16, 2018 :: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

12:00 pm

PCKC PULL LIST: Making Mighty Marvel Comics! :: 2502A
Art Adams AA #327, Mark Brooks #329, Jason Aaron #AA 338, Jason Latour #340
Sunday February 18, 2018 :: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm