Ty Templeton #1032

Comic Creators

Ty was born in the wilds of downtown Canada to show business gypsies. His father invented televangelism, wrote some best sellers, and helped to kill Elvis. His mother was a fifties singing star on the CBC TV, and his brother invented the internet. Look it all up, it’s true.
Ty makes his living writing and drawing comic books, working on such characters as Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, The Simpsons, the Avengers, and many others. He can be seen lurking in the outskirts of downtown Canada with his lovely wife, three of his four lovely children, and his three cats, two of which are lovely, but the other one has really nasty scratched up legs that you don’t want to see.

3:00 pm

PCKC PULL LIST: My Favorite Batman! :: 2505A
Brian Azzarello #331, Tom King #332, Clay Mann #330, Ty Templeton #1032, Ande Parks #3727
Friday February 16, 2018 :: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

1:00 pm

Worst. Comics. Podcast. EVER! with Ty Templeton :: 2502A
Ty Templeton #1032
Sunday February 18, 2018 :: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm