Brad Neuman

Science & Tech

As Lead Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Engineer, Brad plays a vital role in the A.I. development and implementation at the heart of Anki’s innovative products. Currently he leads an engineering team responsible for bringing-to-life their robot Cozmo's unique personality through his interactions with people and his environment. Previously, he led A.I. development for Anki OVERDRIVE, the world's most intelligent battle-racing game. Prior to joining Anki, he worked at Microsoft and RedZone Robotics. Brad holds a Master of Science degree in Robotics and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, where he studied mobile robot perception, navigation and planning under uncertainty.

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2:30 pm

Robots: Helpful, automated friends or future overlords? :: Room 211ABCD
Jason Lederman, Brad Neuman, Mac Walters, Janelle Shane
Saturday April 7, 2018 :: 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm