Jonathan Knowles

Science & Tech

Jonathan explores the dynamics of large-scale, long term change with a focus on beyond the horizon technologies, providing insight on the evolving role of applied innovation. With a focus on ocean science, climate change, space systems, robotics, biotechnology, archaeology, and paleoanthropology, he participates in fieldwork with others across the globe to help understand and preserve our past, and solve some of the world's most complex challenges. Jonathan currently serves as the Science and Exploration Fellow at Mission Blue—The Sylvia Earle Alliance, Advisor to Schmidt Marine Technology Partners—a program of the Schmidt Family Foundation, Ideation Director at the NASA Frontier Development Lab, and as a Distinguished Fellow at Singularity University. He sits on the boards of, and as an advisor to, several ocean, space, learning, and exploration start up and nonprofit organizations including the SETI Institute. He is passionate about discovery, innovation, and accentuating the positive. With over 20 years in Silicon Valley in leadership positions at Apple, Adobe, and Autodesk, Jonathan is a creative thinker and respected thought leader on future trends, long-range vision, and creating a preferred future. He advises start-ups, business leaders, government officials, and academics around the world.

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11:00 am

Pack Your Bags: We’re Moving to Mars! (Eventually) :: Room 211ABCD
Jason Ballard, Jason Dunn, Jonathan Knowles, Jason Lederman, Dr. Lynn Rothschild
Saturday April 7, 2018 :: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

1:00 pm

The New Frontier of Ocean Exploration & Appreciation :: Room 211ABCD
Sam Kennedy, Jonathan Knowles, Jyotika Virmani
Sunday April 8, 2018 :: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm