Ricky Resurrecion


Ricky Resurreccion joined the 501st in 2016 and holds the distinction in the garrison of having 9 costumes approved within his first year of membership (three for the Rebel Legion within the same period).

When he completed his first costume, a Stormtrooper to Centurion level, the costume-building bug bit hard and did not let go. It was soon followed by classic favorites like the Tie Fighter Pilot, the Biker Scout (approved Lancer), to neo-classics from Star Wars Rebels like the AT-DP Driver and Agent Kallus.

Another passion of Ricky’s is the garrison’s Imperial Cadet Program, whom he co-chairs. This is a sub-group that encourages parents of the garrison to involve their kids into the costuming hobby and participate in troops whenever possible. He believes that the program is important as it teaches young cadets about excellence, volunteerism, and camaraderie.

11:30 am

"Join the Empire!"- Hosted by the 501st Legion :: Room 111
Chris Greene, Stacy Meyn, Jon Nagel, Ricky Resurrecion, Diana Wolf Torres, Vincent Vigil
Saturday April 7, 2018 :: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm