Susan Lee

Susan Lee is a comic book creator, a fine artist, a writer, and a director. Her novel, “Shadow of the Knight” has been praised as “a solidly written, fast-paced psychological thriller” and “a rollercoaster ride of a story that dragged me along unable to sleep, unable to put it down”. Her graphic novel, “Wraith of Love” is a three part series which she wrote, drew, inked. Despite the black white nature of her comic book work, Susan is a trained Impressionist painter and specializes in portraits. She has been teaching fine art and traditional drawing techniques for more than a decade. Never one to be still, Susan has also been a theater and film director for most of her adult life.

10:30 am

Women On The Dark Side :: Room 230A
Barbra Dillon, Lydia Harari, Madeleine Holly-Rosing, Susan Lee, Lisa K. Weber
Sunday April 8, 2018 :: 10:30 am to 11:30 am