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Florida Supercon 2019 Schedule :: Michael Golden

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Michael Golden

Appearing Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun

Artist/writer/creator Michael Golden, is a legend in the comic book industry, but one that has never stopped adding to his legacy as a storytelling professional. Co-creator of the X-men's Rogue character, Spartan X and Bucky O'Hare, Michael is known worldwide for his groundbreaking work on "The 'Nam," "Micronauts," "G.I. Joe Yearbook," and "Dr. Strange, " among MUCH more, and is counted as one of the best cover designers and illustrators in the business.

Golden's work can be seen on covers from "The Walking Dead," the new Marvel "Civil War," the new "Rom," the new "Micronauts," "Spawn," "Nightwing", "Iron Man", "Heroes for Hire", "Exiles," "Demon's Regret," "Spiderman," "Vampirella," "Captain American," "The Punisher" to "The Hulk," as well as numerous other titles, for about every company out there. His zombie art if routinely used in conjunction with popular properties on TV and in print.