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SiliCon with Adam Savage Schedule :: Kayte Sabicer

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Kayte Sabicer

Kayte Sabicer is a model maker and artist. She has worked in the film industry making miniatures for visual effects on movies like Inception, Hugo, and Dark Knight Rises. She also does work making puppets and sets for stop motion animation with Phil Tippett on projects including Mad God, Solo, Star Wars Rise of Skywalker, and Book of Boba Fett. Working with a vast array of materials from styrene and wood to foam and resin, Kayte specializes in the art of “make THIS look like THAT.” Her favorite part always comes at the end when she gets to the painting, aging, and finishing of a prop or model, when the thing really comes to life. She currently co-hosts Model Behavior on’s YouTube channel sharing tips and tricks with fabricators everywhere.

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