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Salt Lake Comic Convention FanXperience 2015 Schedule :: BelleChere

Browse Guests


BelleChere is a self-taught professional costume designer who has been passionately creating and modeling the costumes of her favorite pop culture icons for over 10 years. Winner of multiple awards for skill and presentation, the range of her costumes spans comic books, video games, and film. Having earned international recognition, BelleChere loves visiting new places outside her home city of Boston and sharing knowledge of her craft with other fellow geeks! When not dressing up as a superhero (or villain!) she's making costumes for clients - be they cosplayers, drag queens, or for local theater - and playing with her best friend forever, Hunter the beagle. She welcomes anyone to stop by her table to talk shop, or gossip over comic and pop culture news past and present!

8:00 pm

Cosplay 101 :: Ballroom C
BelleChere , Tom Carr, Kelly Delcambre, Jacqueline Goehner, Megan Golden, Julianna Johnson, Izzi Keener, Roxanna Meta, Ash Sweetring, Alexandria the Red , Tallest Silver
Thursday January 29, 2015 :: 8:00 pm to 8:50 pm