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Florida Supercon 2018 Schedule :: Fushu Daiko

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Fushu Daiko

Fushu Daiko is made up of many nationalities and backgrounds, yet drawn together by the taiko. Through its sound, they wish to create a sense of connection in the hearts of those who are touched by the taiko’s beat. By preserving the traditional way of taiko and infusing new musical expressions into its performances, Fushu Daiko pursues excellence and innovation in North American taiko. Since 1990, they’ve performed and educated the S. Florida community about taiko drumming and its many healthy benefits to individuals and communities, while sharing the beauty of other Japanese performing arts, such as the koto and shakuhachi. Their resume includes live concerts in the US and abroad, collaborating with Grammie-nominated artists, opening of the Miami Heat games at the AA Arena, performing at large festivals and small private events.

Taiko classes are taught year round at Fushu Daiko’s dojo in Davie, FL. Find out more about Fushu Daiko and taiko drumming at

Fushu Daiko will be appearing Sunday