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Flower City Comic Con 2017 Schedule :: Ithaca's Wizarding Weekend

Browse Guests

Ithaca's Wizarding Weekend

Stop by and get you photo with the goblet of fire and Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia (for a fee)!

This event started out as a simple event to provide a fun Halloween activity for 200-300 people and now captures the imaginations of over 10,000 people.

Wizarding Weekend is a volunteer fan group that is inspired by all things magic, including stage magic, street performance, Wizard Rock, the Harry Potter Book Series and STEM topics. We strive to celebrate all these things in conjunction with the Downtown Ithaca Community.

Warner Bros. Entertainment, Universal Studios and JK Rowling are not associated with or responsible for the festival in any way. This event is intended to simply provide an outlet for all fans to express their enthusiasm for all things magical!

Wizarding Weekend is made possible in part by a grant from the Tompkins County Tourism Program.