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Lexington Comic & Toy Convention Schedule :: Stuart Sayger

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Stuart Sayger

Appearing Friday, Saturday, & Sunday

Stuart Sayger is best known for his moody and expressive style. Inks, gouache, chalk and oil pastels are standard when creating his comic book pages. He first broke into the industry as the creator of SHIVER IN THE DARK, producing the comic independently from start to finish.
Currently Sayger is producing artwork for this summer's "Man of Steel" Superman movie, as well as a video game adaptation of Robert Kirkman's "Thief of Thieves"
Recent comic book projects include producing art for various IDW projects including: "30-Days of Night", "Robert Rodriguez's Machete", and "Bram Stoker's Death Ship". .
Stuart is often drawing during conventions, so please stop by and see his inky fingers at work!