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Mobicon's Mobile Comic Con Schedule :: Foamsmeef

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Kyle Miller (Foamsmeef) is a Cosplayer and Costume Designer from Northwest Florida; where he is currently enlisted and serves active duty in the United States Airforce. He spends all his free time working to build his cosplay business and portfolio. He is most known for his insanely large builds and engineering prowess; especially when it comes to making articulating wings or additional body parts. He started cosplaying in late 2015 and since then has received several awards and best in shows at various conventions throughout the Southern United States. He has recently come out with a line of Foam specifically designed for cosplayers and will be opening up his creative space/ costuming school around summer 2018. He is currently in the process of expanding his cosplay supply line to include thermoplastics as well as other mediums at an affordable cost for the everyday cosplayer!