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Planet Comicon, Kansas City Schedule :: Tara Avery (Prism Comics)

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Tara Avery (Prism Comics)

Comic creator Tara Madison Avery

Tara Madison Avery published her first professional comics in 1990 in the now-defunct Lawrence, Kansas, music newspaper, The Note.

Since then, she has created the cult-favorite Web comics Dirtheads and Gooch, and contributed stories to Astrokitty Comics Presents, Pocketbook Heroes, Death Saves, and the groundbreaking bi/pan/fluid comics anthology, Anything That Loves.

Avery joined the non-profit Prism Comics in 2012, and has organized LGBTQ-oriented panel discussions at conventions all over the country. In 2015, she founded Stacked Deck Press, a comics publishing house dedicated to showcasing LGBT creators.

She currently is working on a new comic, Merrier, inspired by the Los Angeles bi, trans and poly communities.