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Sun Valley Wellness Festival Schedule :: Bob Cooley

Browse Speakers

Bob Cooley

A drunk driver struck Bob Cooley and his friend Pam as pedestrians in 1976. Pam did not survive and Bob forgave the driver and himself. With enormous help from other people, Bob turned that tragedy into discovering and continuously developing Resistance Flexibility, and created the body-mind theory of the 16 Geniuses —
Sixteen Genetic Personality Types.

While rehabilitating himself, Bob discovered how all animals naturally stretch - they contract and resist while stretching. He calls this Resistance Flexibility and developed 16 different types of stretches for the whole body. Naturally allowing your body to tense and resist when you stretch dramatically upgrades all your myofascia tissues, as the fascia is restored towards its optimal health. In the process of spending extreme numbers of days in each type of stretch, he then discovered that each of the sixteen types of stretches resulted in specific health benefits. The benefits surprisingly included not just physical and physiological, but also psychological, emotional, and spiritual. Therefore each type of stretch can be used by anyone to address her or his most pressing health concerns.

Resistance Flexibility helps to transform trauma into gifts. Resistance Flexibility can release you from traumas, connect you to high personality traits, good looks, and spiritual growth. Resistance Flexibility is one of the best forms of preventative health care, and the future of rehabilitative and regenerative therapies. Healing requires a community of people. Healing, I believe is not something people can do by themselves.

Bob, fellow physicians, and researchers did endoscopic and ultrasound filming of Resistance Flexibility, which validates how human fascia was transfigured and restored, while accumulated dense fascia and scar tissue was eliminated through Resistance Flexibility training.

Bob's new type based psychology identified muscle groups, organs, and tissue concomitances as a physical basis for type, something Jung has alluded to was necessary in order to substantiate a psychology of types. For each type, Bob identified concomitant high/low personality traits, archetypes, good looks, intelligences, defense mechanisms, integration, etc. for each of the 16 genetic types.
The central theme about types rests on the discovery that each type has an underlying unconscious type that balances them. The unconscious type has the traits as their balancing type, and is the other gender. The unconscious mind can be understood as being the aquifer for the conscious mind, meaning the person’s access to their unconscious or balancing traits directly determines the quality of actions of their conscious behaviors, and that a disconnect of oneself from their unconscious mind is the source of their problems. The 16 Geniuses — Sixteen Genetic Personality Types will be released on March 30th, 2016.

Bob works with everyone from untouchables, severely injured and ill, to princes, billionaires, professional and Olympic athletes, CEO’s of sustainable companies, celebrities and performers.

There are Genius of Flexibility Centers now in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, NYC, and Boston where private sessions, classes, and trainings are conducted. Everybody needs to do Resistance Flexibility on her or his lateral hamstrings. Begin now. Take a class, learn how on Video Training Archive of 200+ flexibility exercises with in depth explanations, and hire one of our Certified Resistance Flexibility Trainers at our centers or On Line, do resistance flexibility with your family and friends. Create your healing community.
Love and respect,
"The health and sustainability of the planet is a reflection of your personal health and sustainability." Cooley

9:30 am

Bob Cooley, "Resistance Flexibility and Strength" :: Limelight A
Bob Cooley
Sunday May 28, 2017 :: 9:30 am to 10:45 am

1:30 pm

Bob Cooley, "Resistance Flexibility Self and Basic Assisted" :: Boiler Room
Bob Cooley
Monday May 29, 2017 :: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Please note that the schedule is subject to change. View the website for the most current schedule.