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Sun Valley Wellness Festival Schedule :: Melissa Dombrowski

Browse Speakers

Melissa Dombrowski

Raised in an affluent, loving home, Melissa was a creative and inquisitive child. Always striving to be the best, in reality she yearned to fill an insatiable void which incessantly haunted her. Over-achiever and perfectionist, nothing satisfied. Cheerleader, prom queen, valedictorian, academic scholarship to SMU, none of it mattered. Severe depression was her relentless foe.

At age 21, she sailed on Semester at Sea, an ocean voyage which circled the world. She returned to college bulimic, anorexic and wanting to die. Admitting defeat, she entered a treatment center, and began a lifelong recovery process, using the 12 Step program. Despite her success in battling addiction, it was still no match for depression. She continued to struggle for the next 30 years in the grips of profound despair. Baffled, exhausted, and out of hope.

Depression is like a death sentence. The boogeyman of suicidal wishes always nips at one’s heels. How could it be, after achieving so many goals, the darkness still loomed in the distance like a menacing storm?

Through a fortuitous meeting with a yoga teacher, a psychic, and new spiritual principles, her life was forever changed. Her book “Breathing Underwater” illustrates the value in never giving up, and tells a story that will inspire others who suffer with any adversity. There is great meaning to be found, no matter how far down the road of despair we have traveled.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change. View the website for the most current schedule.