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The Great Philadelphia Comic Con! Schedule :: Alliecat Cosplay

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Alliecat Cosplay

Appearing 3

Allison of AllieCat Cosplay is a Georgia based Cosplayer who started her journey in 2010, creating over 40 Cosplay Costumes, and earning Best in Show cosplay awards in several competitions. She is best known for her Armor builds, passion for makeup, and adorning animal ears whenever possible. AllieCat has become a model cosplayer by using her platform to promote Body Positivity, Race Equality, respect for the Arts, and general positivity for the cosplay community itself. Her upbeat personality and genuine desire to share the knowledge she acquired through her time as a cosplayer has accumulated a mass following as a personality. "I love the act of transforming. The time and attention to detail to make yourself into a completely different entity is empowering. Growing up i would play as these characters in my video games or watch them on my television and i would want to be like them. Strong, powerful, amazing. Thats when i discovered cosplay. I could BE these characters i loved so much and that love is the fuel to this craft.

As a reminder, all Guest Appearances, Professional Photo Ops, Panels and times are subject to change or cancellation.