Programming Application for WW Atlantic City

All fields are required.

Your knowledge and enthusiasm make for the best programming sessions! Below is the form you will need to complete to be considered for offering a panel, lecture, demonstration, audience discussion, workshop or meetup. Please fill the form out once for each session you would like to offer.

Please note - you must be the presenter and/or moderator to submit a programming session. Wizarding Weekend is not responsible for finding presenters for session ideas.

Submissions for Wizarding Weekend Atlantic City are due by June 15, 2019.

Submissions received after this date will only be considered if space allows and content is compelling enough to warrant late entry.

Presentation Format

  • A panel involves 3-5 experts and a moderator discussing a topic in front of an audience and potentially answering questions from the audience.
  • An audience discussion involves the facilitator and the audience working together to answer a question or discuss ideas.
  • A lecture involves an expert (generally only 1-2 people) giving a prepared presentation in front of the audience and potentially taking audience questions.
  • A workshop is an interactive session that involves the audience learning a skill.
  • A demonstration is a presentation of a skill to the audience without direct interaction.
  • A meetup is an informal session that allows audience members to mingle and get to know each other while bonding over a given topic.


At the very bottom of the application are three columns of very important information.

  1. Be sure to choose just one Category for your session.
  2. Choose as many tags that are appropriate for your session.
  3. Indicate what your session needs in the room in order for your session to be successful.

If you have any questions regarding programming, please email us at





Room Needs

About Wizarding Weekend Atlantic City

Wizarding Weekend Atlantic City is a convention style celebration of magic and fantasy. All fandoms are welcomed at the event but programming will focus on: Merpeople, Atlantis, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Game of Thrones, How to Train Your Dragon, Avatar: The Last Airbender and more.

Show Location: Showboat Atlantic City, First floor

Show Hours:

Saturday August 24, 2019 10am-6pm

Sunday August 25,2019 10am-4pm

Mystic Arts Ball - Saturday August 24, 2019 9-Midnight - After party featuring dancing, cash bar, photo booth, costume contest and divination. 21 and over ticketed event.

August 24 and 25, 2019

The Showboat Atlantic City

801 Boardwalk
Atlantic City, Ne